Please call us at (603) 224-9549 if you have an emergency, and we will do our best to help you through this frightening and stressful time. We offer urgent and emergency services to clients of our practice when possible. In case of an emergency, please call to alert us to the situation so we can either prepare for your arrival or to refer you to another nearby clinic that can serve you if we cannot.
In the event that our office is closed or unable to assist you at this time, or if your pet requires immediate assistance from the nearest emergency service, the following nearby services are available to help:
24/7 Emergency care In Concord:
VCA CAVES (603-227-1199) at 1 Intervale Rd, (at the end of Fort Eddy Road) Concord, NH 03301. (Click here for Google Map directions.)
24/7 Emergency care In Manchester:
Veterinary Emergency Center of Manchester (603-666-6677) at 2743 Brown Ave, Manchester, NH 03103. (Click here for Google Map directions.)
After-hours urgent care in Manchester:
Manchester Urgent Vet Clinic (603-999-4848) at 2305 Brown Ave, Suite 2, Manchester, NH 03103. (Click here for Google Map directions.)